Using Special marketing techniques on Instagram will get you followers in large and show you the wonders good content can do.
The growing popularity of Instagram is undeniable, and it is expected that the audience rate that uses this platform will increase dramatically in the next 2-3 years. This makes Instagram an ideal tool for marketers. Using the following six techniques will help you get the most out of this great opportunity.
Promote your account with Instagram
There are currently different tools available to analyze the performance of Instagram posts that help brands use this channel in a more effective way.
When looking for an Instagram analytical tool, you need to consider a few specific features that are important for marketing. First and foremost, this tool should have the ability to monitor post-performance and indicate which posts have responded better, make more engagements and have the highest click rates. This information helps marketers make more efficient use of Instagram.
Additionally, marketers most want to use a tool like InstaCaptain that has the ability to schedule posts. As the name suggests, this feature allows the users to schedule their post In Calendar option users can choose the date of posting and add as many posts they like. The time of posting can also be chosen once a date has been chosen.
Eventually, marketers need a tool that can identify the impact of specific keywords and hashtags. To be able to do that helps them improve the usage of tags. After monitoring the performance of the chosen hashtags, marketers will be able to conclude the best niche tags that drive the most traffic and results.
2. Create More Video Content
55% of people watch videos online every day. Videos have been observed to garner the attention of the audience more compared to the photographs and for a longer period of time. That’s why many businesses have welcomed the sharing of video content on Instagram.
3. Use other channels to promote your Instagram
To get maximum engagement, use other channels to promote your Instagram. If your marketing team uses unique ideas on your Instagram page, it’s crucial to talk about it on the other platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, Whatsapp or any other network that you have been actively working on.
This spreads the news about your Instagram handle and makes people know about you. Since Instagram has the greatest engagement rate among all the social networks, you will then be having your followers on a very crucial platform.
Go for Live Streaming
To simultaneously strengthen your brand and the Instagram channel, create a vibrant social wall that can be shared both in your office and during a live business event.
Live streaming keeps the audience on toes and create interest. This allows audiences to follow their favorite Instagram brand and it also leads to spread of the shared content.
Go for Influencer Marketing
Influencer marketing means that you use famous people to advertise your products and make a special message for your audience. 94% of those who used influencer marketing believe the tactic to be effective. It is true that for companies, it’s not possible to quantify the impact of an influencer, but if you use this method properly, you will see its extraordinary returns in different aspects of your business.
User Generated Content (UGC)
The UGC or user-generated content is a valuable asset that brands approach more and more every day. In fact, UGC means that a consumer creates content about using a service or a product. Brands can use this content as an evidence for social acceptance of their product. UGC increases the credibility of brands and makes customers rely on the service or the product.
Using UGC is not limited to only Instagram, but most successful Instagram brands use UGC to share convincing content that increases the validity of narratives and their stories.
Summing it up
Follow the aforementioned tactics to up your Instagram marketing game. Marketers must first ensure that their Instagram analytics tools show them the correct and real results. Analyzing Instagram posts helps marketers understand what kind of content is more influential and more attractive to followers. Meanwhile, automation tools like schedule post of InstaCaptain can also make easier to schedule and manage content.

In the next step, marketers should identify content that is suited to their audience which may be using UGC, advertising by the influencers or video content. Finally, creating a vibrant social wall and advertising on other media platforms can play a positive role in growing the number of followers.